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Support Oregon's Public Health Workforce - Oregon Senate Bill 161

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Equity-Centered Career Pathways in Public Health

Budget Request: $5 Million
Senate Bill 161
Chief sponsor: Senator Deb Patterson

Co-sponsor: Representative Hai Pham


Oregon needs more public health workers who speak the same language and come from the same background as the people they serve.  But many people with diverse backgrounds and language skills can’t afford the training required to work in public health.


This bill will provide $5 million per biennium to pay for training, loan reimbursement and workforce development. The money will be split among three organizations:


-Oregon Community Health Workers Association (ORCHWA) will receive $1.5 million to increase the CHW workforce and expand access to training;


-Oregon Mobile Integrated Health Coalition (ORMIHC) will receive $1.5 million to expand the community paramedic workforce and supplement the cost of training;


-Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials (CLHO) will receive $2 million to help local public health departments recruit, train, and retain their workforce.


NOW is the time to support Oregon's public health workforce!

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Thu Feb 06 2025


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